Lord Baden-Powel based on his observations from his military career at the beginning of the 20th century founded the scouting movement. In August 1907 Lord Baden-Powel set up an experimental camp with 20 boys who were divided into 5 patrols. During this camp, Lord Baden-Powel used different games to teach various skills and techniques to the boys. This camp was a great success which led to the publication of the book “Scouting for Boys” laying the foundation of education of the young through scouting.
Scouting very quickly crossed the borders of the British Empire and expanded worldwide. Today there are various organisations and forms of scouting in the world. However, there are very few organisations that have stayed true to the original method (pedagogy) of scouting used by Lord Baden-Powel.
Fr. Jacques Sevin S.J (France)
Professor Jean Corbisier (Belgium)
Comte Mario di Carpegna (Italy)
It may be rightly considered that Father Jacques Sevin (French), Professor Jean Corbisier (Belgian), and Earl Mario di Carpegna (Italian) were the founders of Catholic scouting. They promoted Catholic associations, i.e. “Scouts de France”, “Baden Powell Belgian Boy Scouts”, and “Associazione Scautistica Cattolica Italiana” (A.S.C.I.), respectively. Through their commitment, the “International Office of Catholic Scouts” was also born, to be a point of reference for all the Catholic scouts.
Sevin, Corbisier and Carpegna managed to adapt an educational method born in an Anglo-Saxon and Protestant background to the Latin and Catholic background of their countries, without modifying it. Baden Powell said: “Our method has four aims: character training, practical sense, health and strength, and service to others”. The founders of Catholic scouting emphasised a fifth aim: “The Sense of God”.
However, their attempts to reach closer understanding and brotherhood among all the Catholic scouts conflicted with the events of that time and the appearance of dictatorial regimes forbidding scouting or limiting greatly its freedom of action.
Europe was devastated after WWII and when the nations were in the process of rebuilding the society, thirty young German and French leaders met with the idea of initiating a new educational method based on the proposals made by the founders of Catholic scouting.
It was in the year 1956 on the 1st of November, these young leaders created the “Federation of European Scouting”. The federal statutes were drafted after 3 days of long discussion with 10 articles with the first article stating- “The Federation of European Scouting is founded. It is an international scouting association, made up of national sections. It aims to practise Baden Powell’s Scouting method, within the European frame and on the Christian bases included in the idea of a united Europe.”
During this meeting, the Maltese cross with 8 points and the golden fleur-de-lis was adopted as the emblem of FSE. This was adopted on the Solemnity of All Saints, when the Church proclaims the gospel of eight Beatitudes which are precisely symbolised by the eight points of the emblem.
At the Federal Council meeting of the following year, a second text was written, entitled “Religious Directory”. It developed the first article of the Federal Statutes and set the rules of religious life in the units. The Religious Directory of 1957 says in its first article: “The organisation called Federation of European Scouting recognises the full value of Christian faith. It acts and makes decisions according to the rules of this faith”.

Creation of the Guides and Scouts of Europe in Germany as “Fédération du Scoutisme Européen (FSE)”. Later, it became the „Union Internationale des Guides et Scouts d’Europe – Fédération du Scoutisme Européen (UIGSE-FSE)“.
500 leaders, rover scouts and wayfarer guides go on a pilgrimage to Rome on the occasion of the Holy Year. Pope Saint Paul VI said publicly during the general audience in St Peter’s Square: “Guides and Scouts of Europe, know that you will always be friends of ours. We greatly trust your presence, your work and your scout spirit. Be blessed! Take back with you, together with the memory of the jubilee in which you have taken part, the sense of firmness and faithfulness to Christ and His teaching.”
As an international non-governmental organisation, the Union is given advisory status with the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. In 2003, it has participatory status to honour the role of civil society in the work of the Council of Europe.
5,000 Guides and Scouts of Europe meet in France for their first international jamboree. This so-called “Eurojam” was organised for the teenagers from 12 to 17..
Second Eurojam in Italy. Pope Saint John-Paul II hosted 7,500 participants in St. Peter’s Basilica for a private audience.
Third Eurojam in Poland. 9,000 teenagers from many Western and Eastern European countries ended their rally with a pilgrimage to Czestochowa. A plaque commemorating the event was fixed at the entrance of the Basilica, where it may still be seen.
The International Union is provisionally recognised by the Holy See as an international private association of the faithful of pontifical right. Recognition was confirmed in 2008, thus making it official and permanent.
First Euromoot in Slovakia and Poland with a night pilgrimage of the 2,500 participants to Czestochowa, at the end of it. The “Euromoot” was organised for the youth of 17 or more.
World Youth Day in Madrid (Spain). The Scouts of Europe were one of the main voluntary associations organising the WYD with the participation of 1,300 Rovers and Wayfarers from 15 countries.
Fourth Eurojam in France, with 13,000 participants. The visit of St. Thérèse of Lisieux’ relics in the “camp town in the woods of Normandy” was the highlight.
The World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland: 1,500 rover scouts and wayfarer guides from 15 countries served the Church and the youth from all over the world as volunteers. The Guides and Scouts of Europe accounted for a third of the foreign volunteers.
The Union celebrated its 60th birthday with the “Scouteurop’Tour”. At the end of this event that lasted a year, a hundred 15 and 16 year old scouts and guides rallied in Brussels.
Guides & Scouts of Europe was established in Ireland with 3 scouts under the leadership of Dr. Bénédicte Fuller, assisted by Adrian Fernandes.
Guides & Scouts of Europe Ireland was made an Observer member in the International Union of Guides & Scouts of Europe
Guides & Scouts of Europe Ireland became a Candidate member of the International Union of Guides & Scouts of Europe