Guides and Scouts of Europe- Ireland is part of U.I.G.S.E- F.S.E (Federation of European Scouting) and was established in the year 2018 under the leadership of Dr. Bénédicte Fuller. With the assistance of Adrian Fernandes, the organisation began its activities with 3 scouts and 8 wolfcubs. In 2019 Guides and Scouts of Europe, Ireland became an observer member of U.I.G.S.E- F.S.E and a candidate member in 2022. Since then Guides and Scouts of Europe- Ireland has grown significantly with over 80 active members and volunteers.

We apply the pedagogy of U.I.G.S.E- F.S.E. and contribute to youth’s religious, moral, civic and physical education by using the scout method, according to Lord Baden Powell’s spirit, with a Christian dimension.

With the 5 aims of scouting, we aim to build a physically solid man, with a strong character, devoted to serving his brothers and technically able. The supreme aim of scout education is the fifth aim: to meet Christ personally and, through Him, to reach the Heavenly Father.


  • We want to be, besides school, complementary to the family, who are primarily responsible for their children.
  • Educate man and woman in all their dimensions: body, spirit, soul.
  • Give fundamental importance to religious education and spiritual life.
  • Look after the personal education of each one, the formation of social man and future citizen.
  • Encouraging the young boy/girl to take charge of his/her education in a context, appropriate to their needs and strengths.




International Union of Guides & Scouts of Europe- Federation of European Scouting (U.I.G.S.E- F.S.E) brings together over 65000 young people from 24 countries, partaking in the building of European civilisation based on its Christian roots.

U.I.G.S.E- F.S.E is recognised by the Holy See as an association of lay faithful and is placed in the Dicastery of Laity and family life of the Holy See.

Click here to learn more about UIGSE


Scout General Commissioner
National Religious Advisor
National Secretary