Two Sections, Three Branches
To respect the vocation and psychology of each sex, Guides & Scouts of Europe- Ireland is composed of two sections: a Scout (male) section, and a Guide (female) section. Each section includes three branches:
The male section: Wolfcubs, Scouts & Rovers
The female section: Wolvets, Guides and Wayfarers.
This articulation, imagined by Baden Powell, corresponds to three natural steps of the evolution of the boy and the girl, as well as physiologically and psychologically. From one branch to another, there is a continuity of scouting in its principles, its methods and its aims. Each branch is only an adaptation of the scout method to the concerned step: childhood, adolescence, start of a man and woman’s life.

During scouting activities, there is an emphasis on physical development and psychological and intellectual development. The activities teach the children to have a measured approach, without falling into the extremes of excessive sporting activity, hygiene and physical appearance, or on the other hand laziness and material comfort.

The child learns to strengthen willpower, so that he persists in his efforts, even in difficulties. To discern what is important and what is futile to be strong in adversity and to never give up. The whole purpose of the scout method is to develop the man and the woman integrally so that they can become free.

By learning to live outdoors, the child learns to adapt to the surroundings and will find practical solutions within. The child will look for practical ways to improve his life in the outdoors. Being practical will help throughout life: at home, housework, or more serious difficulties to resolve. The mind, stimulated by a practical question, becomes much more creative.

Through service to others, the young nurture their generosity. Service to others is important at every age and enables the child to look away from self-centred questions, uneasiness or melancholy and be appreciated for their capacity to love and to give. This is done by working on the sense of service to others daily so that it becomes a primary attitude in everyday life.

This 5th goal of scouting aims at bringing the child towards the Sacred, to appreciate it, and to understand that the whole of scouting is transcended by an ideal that allows the fulfilment of man. Christ is the first scout in the activities. We show the children how to meet Him through the other 4 goals of scouting. The Scout law is the summary of the Gospel.